About Me

Who am I?

My name is Lea, I am an 18 years old student, I was born in Germany and still live there. As you know, I still go to school but I also work in a jewelry shop called Claire's.

What is your hobby?

Apart from being in school or at work, I like to spend my time in the gym with my cheer family. I have been cheering for 12 years now and never want to quit ever! I join the senior squat and I also coach the junior squat. My favorite groupstunt would be Nicki (backspot), Jenny (second base), Lena (flyer) and myself (main base). Our groupstunt is even going to try out for the german Allgirl National team in 2016.
Some other hobbies of mine would be, watching youtube videos, reading fashion blogs and go out with friends.

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